My 20% Project

My partner (Kristin) and I are making knot blankets for cancer patients so that they know that people care about them. I mean how bad can cancer be, you don’t have to do work and you get free food. to us it is about the loneliness. We have seen this problem so we are planning to take these blankets to a hospital. We looked up online for cloth to make them and they were a little pricey so we have decided to do a fundraiser.

To help us plan when this fundraiser is going to be, we are hoping our mentor will be Allison. We are not positive on what the fundraiser is going to be about but we were thinking a movie night at a park or maybe just going to Kroger and ask for money to help. Once we get enough money we will go to Michaels or Jo-Ann fabrics and possibly asks for a discount because of how much the knot blankets cost and what we are doing this for. We will learn the importance of helping people in need. During this process we will need a large(er) space to make these blankets.

Our deadline for getting and buying the blankets is as soon as possible after the fundraiser.This means so much to us because Kristin and I have both been in the hospital for a few days and it wasn’t that fun. We can only imagine being in the hospital for half of your life or your whole life. This is why this project means so much to us. This is Cloth For a Tear.

Cincinnati Children’s


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